03 Aug August 3, 2017
Season of Harvest
God is doing a tremendous work at CIL right now! We are witnessing higher participation, a deeper passion for worship, a hunger for Scripture, service to our community, and a culture of love. Together, we are being Jesus! We are the body of Christ!
August is traditionally a month of harvest for our church. Many visitors discover CIL during June and July, and when the rest of the congregation returns from vacation season, we usually have an electric atmosphere. With this probability in mind, here are a few things I am asking you to do:
– Invite. It’s a great season to bring friends to CIL.
– Pray. Let’s ask God for a season of momentum to help our church be everything God intends us to be.
– Be friendly. Your hospitality creates the culture of love the church needs.
– Volunteer. The nursery, elementary services, cleaning team and welcome team are some areas current and new volunteers can make a kingdom impact! If you are interested in joining one of those teams, let me know and I will connect you to those leaders.
– Give. The summer months has the highest expenses and the lowest contributions. As we anticipated, we have some catching up to do from this incredible summer of ministry. We plant in early summer, and harvest in August. Your tithe and generosity will help us remain strong financially. You can always give financially online through the church’s website. God uses your giving to build His kingdom. Here is the online giving link – https://my.simplegive.com/g3/
I am so excited about the future of CIL. I have been the pastor here for 9.5 years now, and I feel like things are just now starting! The best is right before us!
I love serving Jesus with you!