28 Jun June 28, 2018
Posted at 08:47h
in General
We are so proud of our Costa Rica mission team! We have 14 individuals who leave Saturday morning to go to the community of Carpio, where thousands of Nicaraguan refugees have created a makeshift city. There are gospel-centered churches within Carpio that we partner with to create an annual VBS, and other important ministries.
This Sunday (July 1) is Family Sunday, and we will enjoy the ministry of Pastor Aubrey McGowan his wife Jen. They will be leading us in worship and preaching, so it will be a wonderful Sunday for the entire family. Childcare though age 4 is provided, but the rest of the kids will be in the sanctuary.
Once again, here are some important dates this summer:
July 2-5: Offices closed / No intercessory prayer
July 15 : Appalachia Missions Team deadline Team meeting between services at 10:15am For details contact Dana King at 615-566-2374
July 22: Water Baptism Register here
July 23: Alpha begins
August 4: Back-to-School Blessing Donate here
August 9-10: Global Leadership Summit
Register at www.willowcreek.com/summit
Choose GodWhy site in Hendersonville
Use the code PARTNERCH, for special discount
Use the code PARTNERCH, for special discount
August 5: Promotion Sunday
August 12: CIL Ten Year Anniversary Service (9am,10:45am)