Sunday at CIL

Sunday at CIL

Hello CIL family!
It’s an exciting time of year as school is coming to an end and summer plans are beginning to draw close.  Within each phase of children and student ministry that idea resonates loudly as we plan camps and other activities.  I want to take this opportunity to draw attention to two events taking place this Sunday as well as Camp Blast (May 31-June 2).

After second service May 19th, at 12:15pm, we’ll kick off two events simultaneously.  In the Loft (upstairs), we will conduct our Parent meeting for Camp Blast. We ask at least one parent to attend and hear about camp and what the kids should bring and what they should leave at home.  This meeting allows parents the opportunity to ask questions about what Camp Blast will entail.  At the same time, we’ll have our End-of-School party in Studio C (also upstairs).  We’ll serve pizza, snacks, and drinks.  The kids will have fun as we celebrate the end of the school year.

Two weekends later, we’ll head to Camp Blast at Horton Haven Christian Camp, south of Nashville.  We will depart CIL at 4pm on Friday, May 31st and we will return after church on June 2nd.  There is still time to register.  Just go to and click on Camp Blast.  In this three day camp our rising 3rd through 6th grade kids will swim, canoe, zip line, rock wall climb, enjoy a campfire, go on a hayride, night hike, play games, AND attend four services and small group time as we learn that Life is Wild, God is Good.  This is one of the highlights of the summer for our kids and I hope that you’ll make plans for your child to attend.

As is the case with all of our camps, if cost is an issue, please contact me at [email protected] so we can make sure your child can attend as we have scholarships available.  If you would like to help support Camp Blast by sponsoring a child, you can make a donation at and be sure to choose Camp Scholarships.  This is going to be a great summer at CIL and I’m so glad to be leading these events.


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd. Hendersonville, TN, 37075