23 May Venture at CIL
What a beautiful week it’s been here in Middle Tennessee! School and sports are wrapping up and summer is heating up.
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day where we remember and honor those who have died in active military service. Enjoying time together and celebrating are wonderful ways to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. I think it’s how they would want us to celebrate them. That being said, let’s not forget to take time during all the grilling and pool party festivities to pause and thank God for those who gave it all so we can have this freedom.
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Registrations are coming in for VENTURE our family conference taking place June 9-11. If you register your family by this Sunday, you’ll get an awesome VENTURE backpack and some other sweet VENTURE gear that we can’t tell you about yet! But trust us… you’re going to love it!
We also just booked a giant inflatable obstacle course and a game called “Soccer Darts” that is 21 feet tall. This is going to be so much fun! It’s for the kids folks… for the kids, right? Ha!
These are fun incentives, but, in the end, we hope you will come because you are ready for your family to take the next steps in pursuing God’s adventure together. We can’t wait to laugh, sing, learn and experience God together!
If you are a family with kids from Pre-K through rising 8th grade, you can register for VENTURE by going to www.venture-together.com. The cost is only $20 per family.
We hope to see you this weekend!
Take courage,