
It is starting to feel like fall, and this is a reminder of God’s faithfulness.  Remember the lyrics from the hymn that we sang last Sunday? Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. God is faithful, even amidst a global pandemic.  His faithfulness was evident to our faith ancestors, and He will reveal Himself to our great, great-grandchildren.   Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me! This Sunday, I will finish the sermon on “Walking in the Fear of the Lord.”  I need and pray for the “spirit of the fear of the Lord” in my life.  There are so many Scriptures about the fear of the Lord, but here is a great one! And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in...

This Sunday, one of my favorite preachers is sharing God's Word – my wife, Beth Allison.   She is an engaging and thoughtful speaker, and everyone always enjoys hearing Beth share from Scripture.  Please make plans to join us online or in-person for this Sunday's service. If you are a CIL Partner, make sure to submit your nominations for the 2021-2022 CIL Leadership Board by Sunday, September 27.   A nomination box is available at the Communication Counter in the lobby, or if you prefer to nominate by email, please send you nominations to  If you choose to use email, we cannot keep your nomination confidential. It is logical to conclude the next 4-5 months may be challenging. Daylight will shorten, the election will heat up, and concern about a potential second wave of COVID-19 lingers. Without discounting others' suffering, I hope to have a great 4-5 months of relationship with God and others. As I shared this...

Are you ready for Labor Day weekend?   I hope you have a safe, enjoyable, long weekend. For those working on Monday, I pray that God will give you the strength to accomplish your tasks and the grace to have the right attitude.  I appreciate all the "essential workers" who have served our society without a schedule change during this containment period.  There are too many occupations to mention, but know that you are important and appreciated if you are in such a job.  While many of us talk about a workflow change in 2020, others have continued to work with risks to your health for the benefit of all.  Thank you! We will have both services this Sunday, and I will be preaching.  Our custom is to have "Family Sunday" on holiday weekends, so all the elementary kids will be in the sanctuary with us.  Family Sundays are strategic for the development...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075