
Hey everyone!   I hope you are having a great week.  Three things I want you to be aware of going into the weekend. 1.Time change happens this Sunday. You know the drill, plan for one less hour of sleep, but a lot more daylight the next few months. 2.You may have noticed from social media that I successfully defended my dissertation, and earned my Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree. This would not have happened without the support of CIL. I am so grateful to you for letting me and my family accomplish this.       So what do I want you to call me now?  Unless you are taking one of my classes, there is no need to call me Dr. Allison. I do not believe in the term Reverend, as the Trinity is the only one to be revered. According to the Bible, in a congregation, I should simply be called Aaron.  However, if you...

Hey everyone! Last weekend our youth had a great time on The Lift retreat.  I am so thankful that our entire church got behind this event, opening homes for students to stay in, and providing meals through 242 Groups working together to cook and serve.  God is doing a great work in our youth ministry, and I am so thankful for a church that loves teenagers! This weekend is the Alpha retreat.  For the last few Mondays, we have had people coming to CIL to learn more about Christianity through the Alpha course.  This group of 30 is going to the Scarritt-Bennett Center on Vanderbilt's campus this weekend to learn more about the Holy Spirit.  Pray with me that this would be a life-changing experience for these Alpha participants. For those age 55 and over, the Take 2 group is meeting at Top Hog BBQ in Gallatin (642 Blythe Ave) at 11am this...

BizWise Comes to CIL Starting March 9 Be a better leader at your company, in your social circles, at church and with your family. Can you be a better leader at your company, in your social circles, at church and with your family? Probably. There have been libraries of books written about leadership. "Seven Qualities for This," "100 Reasons for That," "Guaranteed Success If...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075