Author: CIL

ADVENT, a word with Latin roots, means “coming.”   Advent designates a period before Christmas when Christians prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. This practice began in the church over sixteen hundred years ago! Sermons focused on the wonder of the Incarnation. By the Middle Ages four Sundays had become the standard length of the Advent season. Since then, Advent has been considered the beginning of the church year. This Sunday at CIL we begin our fifth year anticipating the celebration of Christmas by preparing our hearts through the season of Advent. Here are our themes: November 27              Anticipate December 4                Prepare December 11              Rejoice December 18              Adore   These themes will prepare us for a Jesus-centered Christmas!  We will gather on Christmas Eve at 3pm and 4:30pm for services that welcome the Lord Jesus fully into our lives and church. After enjoying Thanksgiving, let’s gather this Sunday in anticipation of what God is going to do. We’d...

I am sending my e-mail early this week because there are two important opportunities I want you to be aware of. #1 Water Baptism this Sunday We are having water baptisms this Sunday! Water baptism is an outward, public representation of the internal transformation that occurs when one believes the gospel.  It’s symbolic of the believer’s faith in Jesus.   If you have any questions about this, please feel free to e-mail, text or call me.  I would love for you to make this step of obedience in either of our services. If you want to be baptized this Sunday at CIL click here. #2 Thanksgiving Blessing  This Saturday is our Thanksgiving Blessing! Our goal is to have 175 sponsors so that we can give away 175 turkeys and all the ingredients for a family Thanksgiving meal for local families. We already have 105 meals provided we need sponsors for 70 more. Your gift of $25 will completely fund...

Election day is over, but the election is not.  As much as we naively hoped that the morning of November 9 would put the madness of the contest behind us, people in our congregation are both rejoicing and mourning due to the outcome of the presidential election.  So, while we may be divided politically, what a great opportunity to be united as a church family around something that transcends earthly power. Let’s gather this Sunday and enter into the Kingdom of God together. When we gather on Sundays to sing songs, teach children, shake hands, hear Scripture explained, and partake of communion, we enter into a different realm.  The Kingdom of God is among us. The Kingdom of God is the rule of God, and by grace He will continue to rule our hearts and congregation. Please come Sunday.  Let’s heal together.  Let’s hope together.  We exist to Know His Love, Share...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075