Author: CIL

This Sunday I am preaching an important message titled When Godly People Do Ungodly Things I want to share with you some principals that have helped me during times of failure or sin. I strongly believe that the Scriptures we will look at will give us needed insight and encouragement to strengthen our resolve. Please make every effort to attend, and invite someone who needs to hear this message. God has something planned that will be special for you. I love being your pastor, and I know the best is ahead for us through Jesus!...

#1 CIL Forward starts this Sunday CIL Forward is a series of three separate classes designed for you. CIL Forward exists so that every person in our church has heard our vision, understands the gospel, is in relationship with Christ and is engaging in ministry. At the end of this process, you will have the opportunity to become a "Covenant Partner" with CIL, which is or term for what churches have traditionally called "membership." I will be sharing the vision of the church during Forward 101 on Sunday, February 8, at 4:30 p.m. Pastor Deborah will be teaching the other sessions during our 9:00 a.m. service the rest of February. Here is the schedule for February: Sunday, February 8 (4:30p.m.) Forward 101 Sunday, February 15 (9:00 a.m.) Forward 102 Sunday, February 22 (9:00 a.m.) Forward 103 #2 Youth Valentines Banquet tickets need to be purchased this Sunday Tickets are available for purchase in the Lobby. The cost is...

"Souper" Bowl of Caring Each year CIL participates in the "Souper Bowl of Caring" on the day of the big game. We'll join a nation-wide effort to remember those in need in our local community by making donations to a local food pantry. Donations on Sunday, February 1, will go to the Hendersonville Samaritan Center. Matt Malone speaking Our youth pastor will be sharing the message in both 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. service. Matt is a fantastic speaker, and I look forward to hearing him minister an encouraging message to us all. Prioritizing on Super Bowl Sunday There is nothing better you can do to enjoy Sunday's game than to begin your day putting God first by attending church. On a day when materialism, commercialism, and lewdness often overshadow the competition on the field, let's prioritize worship this Sunday. Make a commitment to attend church right now, and let's make it a day of spiritual...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075