
_________ What's a Longest Night Service? As we move through Advent and the Christmas season, many of us carry pain of loss, or grief, or feelings of stress or burden.  It often feels like the reality of our experience has to be hidden or unacknowledged during the festivities of the season.  With The Longest Night Service, we're offering both a space to acknowledge and lament the loss or pain and to receive the comfort of Immanuel, God With Us. Our doors are open to find a place of remembering and consolation on Friday, Dec. 21st from 6:30 - 7:30.  We'd love for you to join us, and to invite those you know who might be blessed by this service. Grace and peace, Pastor Deborah Jackson "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.  That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it."  John 1:4...

__________ ADVENT is a word with Latin roots, meaning "coming." Advent designates a period before Christmas when Christians prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth. This practice may have begun in some churches as early as the late fourth century.  Sermons focused on the wonder of the Incarnation. By the Middle Ages four Sundays had become the standard length of the Advent season. Since then, Advent has been considered to be the beginning of the church year. Our church has been observing Advent since 2012, which became a doorway to more participation in liturgical life. The church has a message of power at Christmas!  The season of Advent celebrates that Christ came, and that Christ is coming again!  So, for the next four Sundays and Christmas Eve at CIL we will share the message of Advent.  Come expecting songs about Jesus, preaching about Jesus, and communion centered on Jesus. There is not a more important activity for you this...

Hello, CIL Family! This is a huge week at CIL to invest into our community through giving and volunteer hours. ______ Operation Christmas Child THIS Week! You can share the love of Christ with children around the world through Operation Christmas Child. Pack a shoe box with Christmas gifts and drop it off until Monday (Nov. 19) at 12:00pm (CIL is an official collection site). OCC adds a booklet with the gospel message and delivers the boxes around the world. In the hands of local churches, they become powerful tools for evangelism and discipleship. If you are available and would like to help, please sign-up here! You can also email for more info! THANK YOU! ______ Thanksgiving Blessing  Saturday, November 17 is our Thanksgiving Blessing! Our goal is to give away 185 fresh turkeys and all the ingredients for a family Thanksgiving meal for local families. Your gift of $25 will completely fund Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might be unable to provide that special meal without help. We currently...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075