Author: CIL

Are you ready to go on an adventure with God and CIL friends? We are already planning for our 2015 Costa Rica Mission Trip. The last two years, Alex Lute has led a group to the Carpia area near San Jose, CR, where poverty and limited opportunities have negatively effected generations. Our team will be there again July 11-18, 2015, conducting a VBS, participating in construction projects and connecting with the Costa Rican people. The construction project is a new addition to this year's trip, so those of you good with a wheel barrel and shovel, this may be the trip for you. If you want to learn about this amazing opportunity, Alex will be conducting the same informational meeting twice in November. Both Sunday, November 2 and 9, there will be a meeting at 10:10 a.m. in the "Living Room" at CIL. Pick either meeting, and learn the details of...

a hint of changing color in leaves that are beginning to loosen their grip on branches, and sweaters and boots are being pulled from storage. This is the time of year that, in my house, the crockpot is set out on the counter where it will remain until spring. I love soups and stews and chilis with all those wonderful mixtures of flavors and smells and tastes. The fall Soup and Salad Supper with the women of CIL is one of my favorite evenings of the year. Tables laden with crockpots full of soup mastery, salads of all sorts, and desserts that will make you put away your calorie counter for one night - topped off with laughter and conversation and sharing among some amazing women. The Soup and Salad Supper is Friday, November 7th at 6:30 p.m. Ladies, you're invited to be part of this fun evening (and feel free to...

1. We've missed you. We know that summer and fall break are important times for family activities and trips, and we hope your family has made some great memories this year. As fall settles in and we begin to look toward the holidays, will you and your family make worship with your church family a priority? Your presence makes a difference here, and I believe you will find renewed strength, peace, and encouragement in consistent worship as part of our faith community. 2. If the Lord wills, I will be preaching every Sunday the next 6 weeks. I have been praying for God to deepen my messages in content and authority, and I believe these next 6 messages will be valuable in your life. 3. Have you noticed the new look on the stage? We've made a big stride forward in our sound quality by enclosing the drums. I know sound is...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075