
I believe in the local church! I believe the local church is the hope of the world. When healthy, nothing can bring value to humanity, positively impact culture, and promote genuine love like the local church. This Sunday I will continue the series The Church with a message titled, "What does the church offer the world?"   Someone you know has not been to church in a long time. Will you invite them to CIL this Sunday? Nothing impacts our church as much as when you invite friends who are disconnected from a faith community to one of our services or small groups. We will be ready for you and your friends at 9am and 10:45am. I cannot wait until Sunday! Aaron

It has been a year of transition at CIL. Though change in leadership can be sad and challenging, I've been greatly encouraged by the spiritual climate of our church family. We've had leaders called away, and we've had others change roles. We've had people step up into leadership and fill in gaps during the liminal space. (Thanks for that sermon, Pastor Deborah). For the first time in our church's history we've had a pastor move from another state just for us! (Thanks, Pastor Josh and Brooke!) During all these changes, Les has faithfully been an usher, Stacy has cleaned, Gordon has been in the parking lot, Ann has kept meeting visitors, and dozens of nursery volunteers have shared Jesus with toddlers. I could go on and on and on about our Worship One, Serve One volunteers. Why? We have a great people, who serve our great God! You are CIL! I love serving Jesus with you! Aaron ...

Serving CIL since 2008 has been the greatest privilege of my life. God has placed Beth and I in community with some of the finest people imaginable. Together, we are a healthy, Christ-honoring local church!  Thanks be to God! This Sunday, I want us to thank God for what He has done through CIL as we anticipate great opportunities in the future.  This Sunday will be a great week for old friends to return, as well as an opportunity to invite new people to join us.  I want us all to experience the love of Christ through the people of CIL. Please join me at either 9am or 10:45am, and bring someone with you! Also, we have a new order of CIL Ten Year Celebration shirts that you can purchase for $10.  Get one of these shirts on Sunday to commemorate this great milestone! ...


Sundays: 9AM & 10:45AM


1004 Drakes Creek Rd.
Hendersonville, TN, 37075